I have 1000sqft of red oak that I plan to 'antique' to help look naturally old and worn.
I am using my ceno satellite on the buffer with brass wire brushes to dish out the grain. The samples turned out to be the dished out grain I am looking for.
Question is: With 2 dogs (80lbs/30lbs), 2 cats, and a 7 year old, what finish will look the best?
Please keep in mind that we all know dogs and cats will naturally use the texture of a floor to get traction (soft grain).
I have only applied glitsa a handful of times years ago when I was a helper and my old bosses talked about how it is the 'best' finish.
I am a fan of waterbase. I used glitsa infinity II in numerous homes. Including the only 2 bedrooms with hardwood in my old rental home and never seen a scratch for the 2 years I lived there. (not a high traffic area though).
But I have also been told that if waterbase does scratch they show up white? That sounds scary with 4 active pets and a kid. I cant be a floor guy with crappy looking floors. (But that's kind of the point of antiquing so it doesn't show wear.)
I am also wanting to use a matte finish and I don't know if I can get that in waterbase. I looked into Bona Traffic but my distributer doesn't carry a matte finish.
Any opinions are appreciated. Im not trying to sound inexperienced, I just haven't had to look at one of my customers floors 2 years after I refinished. But that's good right?