Thanks for the question. Admittedly, I don't understand all your terms. But I think I get the basis of your question. You want to install " bearers"/ wood strips at a certain dimension on top of a concrete slab. Your idea is to use some type of fastener. There are various ways it's done here in the U.S. Sometimes, the sleepers/screeds/bearers are shot down with a powder-activated nailing gun. There are pneumatic ones as well. Generally, these work fine. But installing concrete anchors with bolts is much better and ensures a permanent attachment. Adhesive works well also, but then one cannot loose lay a moisture vapor barrier ( plastic sheeting ) over the slab. You could apply one the viscous type moisture vapor retarders, like Bostik's MVP, then nail and glue the bearers over that. That would be an expensive option over loose lay plastic sheeting. I don't know if you're in another country or a recent immigrant. Here in the states, we're still using inch, foot, yard, mile, cup, pint quart, gallon, forms of measurement. Not the metric. So although I could/should look of a conversion chart, I'm not into it right now. As long as those bearers are 3.5" wide and 1.5" think x random length, spaced 12" apart, you can lay T&G flooring directly over those, if the flooring is T&G and at least 3/4" and nailed down. Another fine option many use is top lay 3/4 plywood over the concrete and nail those panels down over plastic sheeting. Many do that and it lowers the substrate by 3/4". That's about all I can offer at the moment. I hope others will chime in with suggestions.