Gary wrote:
Unless the area you are flooring is huge, you usually can leave less than that 3/4" that is often called for. About 1/2" is typically fine. On this board, we have discussed this expansion issue many, many times in the past. The consensus is that if a floor were to expand enough to fill up a 1/2" gap around the perimeter, you would have other, much more serious problems going on. The only way wood is going to move that much is:
1) it got flooded
2) it was very poorly nailed
3) it was subjected to extremely high levels of humidity for a long period of time
Any of these scenarios would cause floor failure anyway. Having a large expansion gap would not have saved the floor. Maintaining moderate temp and humidity, along with installing the flooring properly and acclimating prior to installation, will ensure that the flooring moves very little.
I totally agree with Gary here!!!
The expansion space is there so the walls do not get pushed off the foundation, if a catastrophic flood were to happen.