Amish made hardwood

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PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:02 am 
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Any update on this install of Solid Bamboo over concrete?

I am looking to do the same install over concrete slab on the second floor of my house. I purchased the handscraped Bamboo from the Orange big box store they had both an engineered version and a 5/8 solid version of the bamboo and the guy from the orange big box store associate recommended I do the Solid Glue down on my slab. He mentioned having done this same installation in his home. I was originally considering a floating installation with the engineered product which is a click connect product versus the tongue and groove solid I purchased.

As I mentioned it's going over a concrete slab on the second floor of my house. The house is 6 years old and in South Florida.

Any tips, advice, suggestions, pitfall warnings and outcomes are very appreciated.


Amish made hardwood

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PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:12 pm 
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I glued down solid strand-woven bamboo on my slab in Atlanta, GA. I now have some minor cupping. The installer is blaming the manufacturer, and the manufacturer is blaming the installer. The manufacturer can't give us a straight answer as to what a proper moisture reading should be, and the installer can't give me a straight answer as to what type of moisture sealant was used on the slab.

Just be sure you seal the slab properly, and you may be OK. You also may be better off if you're above grade, as my installation was on grade.

Good luck!

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PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:46 am 
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When was the floor installed and when did the minor cupping problem appear.... appx. dateline? I don't know of a conversion yet for accurately determining the MC on strand woven bamboo, or any bamboo for that matter. :)

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PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:29 am 
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Rise in humidity. Drastic fall of humidity, or the concrete is emitting too much moisture vapor to have the bamboo installed, with out a properly applied moisture barrier membrane.

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PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 9:41 am 
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Installation was in November. I'd say the cupping appeared within a 2 - 3 weeks of installation. The wood acclimated for 3 - 4 days out of their boxes.


The installer checked the moisture on the slab in multiple locations before installing and those readings were all in "DRY" on the Wagner Concrete Moisture Meter (C575). What would you consider a "proper moisture barrier membrane"? The installer claims to have sealed the slab with a moisture barrier, but when asked specifically what they used, they said "they'd have to check" and never got back to me.

I could have sworn the guy doing the actual install said the glue itself was a moisture barrier. The glue used was DriTac 7600. But the "boss" swears they also sealed the slab before the glue-down. I'm not sure if I'm buying it.


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PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:51 am 
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Rise in humidity. Drastic fall of humidity
Right.... slab moisture is not the only reason for causing slight cupping with an engineered product.

This is from Dritac's website ...
DriTac 7600 Urethane is moisture resistant; however, to prevent damage to the flooring from subfloor moisture, carefully follow the wood manufacturer’s instructions

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PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:16 am 
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Jerry Thomas wrote:
This is from Dritac's website ...
DriTac 7600 Urethane is moisture resistant; however, to prevent damage to the flooring from subfloor moisture, carefully follow the wood manufacturer’s instructions

The funny thing is, the manufacturer's installation instructions don't say anything about sealing the slab! Although the manufacturer's rep now tells me it's "standard practice", they don't actually say it in their instructions.

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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:00 am 
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No mention of substrate moisture requirements??

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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 12:06 pm 
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AustinFloorguy wrote:
No mention of substrate moisture requirements??

All it said was "slab must not exceed 3lb." I don't know how "DRY on the Wagner Concrete Moisture Meter (C575)" relates to that. Other than that, the installation instructions did not mention a moisture barrier. That may have implied to the installer that as long as the slab was dry, a moisture barrier was not required.

Now I see that the manufacturer has revised their instructions with disclaimers and revised emphasis on moisture: ... stallation

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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:20 pm 
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Those specs are very misleading and suggest the glue is a moisture barrier.

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