I installed ~1500 sf of pre-finished Bamboo from Costco, also wrapped in plastic.
The first bit I stacked and let sit for 2-3 weeks and installed it. I noticed a wee bit of gapping. The rest I let sit for many weeks... not just to acclimate, but mostly because I didn't have much time to work on the floor. The rest of the floor didn't gap (yet - it's been almost a year now)
BUT - I live in New Mexico where it's very dry - AND (head hung in shame) I did not take any moisture readings so this is basically conjecture.

My gut feel from the amount of weight change and smell of moist bamboo was that the product was fairly wet compared to the house, If I were to do it again I would be sure to stack it and let it sit for a good while to acclimate. It seemed to take a lot longer than I thought it would to dry out.
- Bob