I have leveled out the subfloor with 30pound felt and put down 1/4" B/C plywood for underlyament. So far I have hand nailed 2 1/2 inch ring shank nails on the joists at 4-5" intervals to attach the underlayment to the subfloor/joists. Now I have to nail around the perimeter and also make the grid pattern. I don't want to do this by hand.
I do not have a medium crown stapler, but I do have a Hitachi gun that will shoot shorter ring shanks --
http://www.toolbarn.com/cgi-bin/bigimage.cgi/12302/ I don't want to shoot longer ones since it will result in a bed of exposed nails in the crawl space. Shorter 1 1/4" ring shank nails seem as if they would do the job since the plywood is 1/4, there is some felt, and then the subfloor is 3.4".
Is there any compromise in nailing the perimeter and the grid pattern with the shorter ring shank nails? I will buy the medium crown stapler if I have too, but if the ring shanks will work then that is a savings.