repost from different section...
So, the advice I got before regarding sanding was great, and made a big difference. I thought I could push it a little further.
I put down the first coat of oil-based clear finish (satin) on my bare red oak floors. There was a couple spots I guess I didn’t press hard enough and the finish didn’t seem to penetrate the wood to the same degree as the rest of the floor leaving some white blotches. The spots almost look like bare wood, but I can definitely feel there is poly there so I didn’t “completely” miss them. I doubt the second coat will “cover” these up at all, so I guess I should fix them first.
Is my only option sanding the entire board affected and recoating just that board, altogether it will be a good 10 boards? I feel that is a bigger risk as then it may dry different than the rest, and it is hard to use the same application technique for a single board.