Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:38 pm 
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Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:17 pm
Posts: 3
Hi all,

I am so glad I came across this forum! You all have saved me from making a big LL mistake! :wink:

So in my search to find a quality engineered product, a salesperson directed me to "Regal Hardwood authentic handscraped flooring". I cannot find *any* reviews, positive or negative, on this product, and was wondering if any of you have any experience with it. I don't want to take the salesperson's word alone before I shell out 5 grand on floors.

We are reflooring our living and dining rooms (450 square feet total), and I have 2 small children. Plus, we live along the gulf coast, so humidity is a huge factor and the main reason we aren't doing solid hardwoods.

According to the back of the sample, it is a 2mm wear layer, 7 ply hardwood core, 8 layers of titanium shield, 3/8 thickness and a 25 year warranty. They have a website and are based out of a suburb of Dallas (Flower Mound), but like I said, I can't find anything other than that!

Any insight, good, bad or ugly? And thanks for taking the time to steer someone who knows NOTHING about flooring into the right direction!

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:07 pm 
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Love that name jillybean ha ha

Do a search on here there's plenty of our members opinions on the best engineered floors out there.

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:36 pm 
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Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:17 pm
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Ah, thanks Stephen. Believe it or not, I think I've read nearly every post on engineered flooring and what y'all like and dislike (in fact, another option we're considering is a Bruce). I just thought maybe I'd give it a shot and see if anyone, anywhere has heard of this brand.

::sigh:: Back to the drawing board. Thanks for taking the time to respond. :D

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:20 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:04 am
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Well, I have never heard of this product, but in reviewing their website
it SEEMS to be a decent quality floor. Although the hand-scraped surface seems to be over-done. Don't think I would ever want to re-finish this particular product.

Dennis Coles

 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:23 am 
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Sounds pretty good just keep in mind handscraped 3/8" eng floors are pretty much a disposable floor once its served its time. It may last forever but if its toast in 10 years then there is no refinishing this type of floor. You have a chance on refinishing a smooth faced floor with 1/8" top like the Bruce Glen Cove plank if the subfloor prep is done correctly prior to installing.

A 3/4 inch engineered floor on the other hand can be refinished multiple times.

Worth a look see here.. ... neered.htm

It's even USA made.

Kevin Daniel
Heartland Hardwood Flooring
Knoxville, Tn

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:33 am 
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:20 am
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I just had a Regal Hardwood product installed yesterday. The guy that installed it is a friend and suggested it. I have 5 kids and 2 dogs. It is beautiful. It does have a dull finish and it is the hand scrapped finish. He brought it to my house and let it sit in the rooms that it was going to be installed in and let it "adjust" I guess you'd say to the rooms humidity and temp before he installed it. I don't have a lot of money and this product seemed the best for the price.
Just for extra info, we ruined two sets of Pergo floors, they couldn't hold up.
Hope this helps!

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:51 pm 
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Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:17 pm
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Thank you everyone for your input.

I'm finding that the stores I go into (I'm currently staying local) all try to guide me to flooring from companies I've never heard of. Regal, Woodlands Flooring, and Southern Traditions are all lines that several stores around here carry...and lines I can't get a review one way or another about!

And mind you, I don't give my budget when I walk in (maybe something about me screams SHOW ME SOMETHING I'VE NEVER HEARD OF! lol), and I think we have a decent budget in mind, but perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe we need to save a few grand more to replace a measly 500 square feet!

I'll tell you one products, taking home samples, scheduling appointments is exhausting. :?

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:22 pm 
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Guess I got spoiled doing that presanded unfinished wide long plank I put Rubio monocoat on. Everything else seems so mediocre now. Not a fan of the twenty ply engineered with the 50 year warranty. Not that I doubt them ha ha

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:49 pm 
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I have seen the product and it looks good but I do not know anything about performance. I understand the statement about the exhaustive properties of shopping for flooring products. I am with a company that makes house calls with real savings and not just promised savings. We do no advertising and have no showrooms. Carpet Direct is a van sales, nationwide company with salespeople in the Dallas area. Many of my clients tell me how much easier is was to shop at home. We carry mostly large name brand manufacturers and would be glad to help you.

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:42 pm 
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Private Labeling may be what you are running into.
Even flooring distributors are buying product and placing their own name on the boxes.

The purpose? So you cannot shop the price.

Stick with major name brands, made in america, and always ask who manufactured the floor and where manufactured.

These importers are very clever at hiding point of origin.

Ray Darrah
Hardwood Floor Inspections. Laminate & Tile Floors

 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:42 pm 
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There are two sides to that story Ray. Distributors and importers do have the benefit of not getting shopped on "like" products with private label programs but across the country people are realizing they are not only getting better pricing on imports but in many cases they are getting better pricing and quality. My company has never "hidden" anything about where we produce our engineered flooring. We make product in China and Mexico. We produce solid flooring in the US but the engineered products we make overseas. We have had some product manufactured by US engineered manufacturers and I can tell you the product we make in China has always surpassed the US made product in quality. I'm not saying there are not well made US products but I am saying there are bad products EVERYWHERE just as there are well made products from places outside of the US. 50 years ago Made in Japan was a negative thing, today the story is different and the same will be true with China and then Vietnam eventually. Quality is defined by conscientious effort and integrity to quality, not the geographical location where something is made. I have had products made at the factory in which Regal produces flooring and we had great success with the product in terms of quality and value.

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:15 pm 
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Ya well my input on that is that everyone manufacturers on price points. Your typical all round floor is generally Ok but if you want high end quality you have to pay for it. And how can you tell unless your actually installing it?

If I had my druthers I rather fight with an American based manufactuer than any importer. But lots of importers have names that sound like any ole American manufacturer. Got to do your home work

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:54 am 
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Sam, great to see you chime in!

IMO your 100% on point. I believe there is a certain unjust mentality, especially these days, when a product is said to have been "made in China". I will be the first to admit being guilty of this in the past due to a few factors. When all products from China first started pouring into this country I do believe there were quality issues, this is generalizing, but my belief. In these first days I believe "made in China' became synonymous with poor quality. At this time when hardwood flooring started entering into the picture, the quality was definetely marginal. Infact I remember one of the first Surfaces,( sorry I missed you at this last one), I observed numbers of asian folks taking numerous pictures of product. In short time... walla....hardwood from China. For some reason it was coming in almost secretely labeled, and IMO poor quality. This stigma has stuck in the minds of some, due to these first entries. But I have seen a drastic change in quality over the years,( comparing apples to apples). Infact like you mentioned, in a lot of cases, better qualities. I have seen your product, put it to the test, and it is top notch, infact impressive. I will reiterate what you stated "Quality is defined by conscientious effort and integrity to quality, not the geographic location where something is made".

Howard Chorpash
Frazier Mountain Hardwood

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:00 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:11 am
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We have had Regal Engineered Hardwoods (Su Vino- Lombardy) installed two times now. We have a new home (6 mo) and the builder chose these floors. They say they are better for humid regions than traditional hardwoods. When they are installed properly, they feel like silk on the feet and are very nice with a dull contemporary look. They do not look like "Home Depot" snap together floors, which we also had in a different home. They are very classy.

All that to say, they are very, very delicate and hard to care for. Dust mopping them is impossible. We had to have Dyson make us a special attachment to accommodate their delicate nature. Vacuuming with that makes life much easier. But should caring for floors be this much work? Um no.

When our movers brought inout furniture, although the flooring was covered with matts and cardboard, the fridge scarred the floor pretty bad as well as a few other heavier items. That was very disappointing for a 1450 Jenka rating! Upon move in we had no access to the "rules" of the floor which state plywood needs to be laid down for move in/out. Later a fridge repairman did use a clear plastic office under chair matt successfully though. So keep that in mind if you own these and need a non plywood option.

Regal is very, very specific about how to care for these floors, and if those rules are broken, the flooring fails terribly. Splitting, cracking, lifting, etc. And, yes, as another said in this forum, these floors are disposable, if they are mistreated, they blow up and must be thrown away... thus we have had them installed two times.

In the first round of flooring, the maids who cared for the floors prior to our purchase of this brand new home used "Orange Glow" on them to "make them shine"... wrong answer! Orange glow voids the 50 year warranty as well as created a new problem that even a national flooring inspector was baffled by. After we moved in they were impossible to keep clean, foot prints everywhere, and then as weather changes occurred seasonally we got spiral ring shaped cracks everywhere. There was also a terrible haze all over the floors. It was like looking through a white plastic lens to the flooring. The builder also wrongly recommended that we (all of us in this community with these floors) use "Bona" another poor choice. Bona triggers a terrible haze and voids the 50 year warranty. Regal ONLY allows their subsidiary brand Pro-Care Citrus to be used on their floors for cleaning. Anything else voids the warranty. (And makes life awful).

When we were going through the process of figuring out what was wrong with the floors more than half of the floorboards shifted color. Everyone involved thought this to be from the wrong products being used. Many of our "black coffee" colored floor boards turned a "soft latte" color. Instead of true dark hardwoods, they looked like a kid spilled the "browns" out of a box of 64 crayons. Multiple shades of brown for sure.

We are now 1 month with a builder paid re-flooring. An awful process that I wish upon no one. The first few days were very heavenly. I smiled an awful lot, and enjoyed the smooth texture on my feet. But, 2 days after installation some of the boards began to "silver" and then raise away from the glue. The installers came back for a "drill & fill" trip and replaced the silver boards. By 1 week we have had about 1/4 of the house raise away from the glue, and about 1/2 of those have "silvered". At the 2 week marker about 10% are turning "latte" instead of "black coffee". I no hope at this point that this is going to end well.

To add insult to injury when the builder hired movers went to move our furniture back in they scarred the floor terribly with the china hutch and the fridge. Deep ruts and scratches that could not be played off as "hand scraping". Those boards had to be replaced the next day. (about 24 boards) The floors are not allowed to have water, oil or spills of any kind on them. (Sounds practical for a home don't you think??) Cooking in a kitchen with these floors is very high stress. We keep a towel on the floor and are continuously wiping up little drips. It is like living in a museum. We currently (for the first time in life) do not have a dog or toddlers our kids are a bit older thankfully, but I can only imagine the stress with toddlers and dogs.

I am not sure if Regal is selling a terrible product or if the installers are not very good at their job. The installers do have to be watched like hawks, they try to use other products that will void the warranty, (official Regal glue, mineral spirits and Pro-Care are the only OK products), they simply do not know better and the language barrier is difficult at best to keep them on track. However, after 6 months of a nightmare, and it looks like we are walking into yet more nightmare as another inspector is expected today to "explain" the intense fading.... I would implore you to consider ANY other flooring. No one should live through this kind of frustration, irritation, inconvenience and terrible performance of a product. If you go for it... take lots of photos the day the instal is complete... they will prove handy later. :)

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone ever heard of Regal Hardwoods?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:39 am 
Site Admin
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Sorry, I had to delete a newcomers response...


From the Regal site...

Our master craftsmen spend an average of 25 minutes on each square foot of flooring to achieve this authentic look.

I avoid knocking products, but what are they doing with their time? Master craftsman is such an overused term. Heck, I even saw McDonalds advertising something similar not long ago. The artisan grilled chicken sandwich. Heck, maybe I'm losing it :lol: I suppose you could call a sandwich maker an artist, but the end product at MCD's looks like a bun with a bunch of squashed stuff in between.

Even taking into account the veneering (frame saw), and engineered glue process to side and end matching to filling cracks and final finishing. Let's not forget the saw mill operator. Is he a master craftsman? Some could say yes, but it's all done electronically with laser and such to get the best yield.

... but to say twenty five minutes per square foot?

It's all in what people believe.

See the room scene gallery at Uptown Floors.

Uptown was created by your administrator, offering my high quality 3/4" engineered floors made in the USA. Unfinished and prefinished.

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