Thank you for the reply Gary. That's what I was hoping you were going to say

. I am headed over there to pull up the particle board today and see what condition the original subfloor is in. Once I get the particle board pulled up I should be able to check the spacing of the joists.
When you say "if your flooring is thinner than 3/4", some plywood may also be warranted." you are talking about the finished floor correct? I will be using 3/4" flooring but was leaning towards some plywood anyway. 3/8" ply would be thick enough?
As I mentioned in my original post, the house is almost 40 years old, and consequently there are some sagging spots in the floor. I have a foundation/floor leveling company who is going to add more piers and beams to level out the floors. The floors right now are very sturdy, they have no "bounce" to them, we just need to get them level. Once that is completed I'll be able to tell exactly what I need to do with the subfloor before installing the finished floor.