floorguy, thanks a million for that info - I've been reading conflicting stuff around the web (some things i've read say to use mastic to adhere the poly. to the concrete). The method you just described, I'm assuming that's with 2 layers of 15? also, do you put down mastic and apply the tar paper as you go or put down all the mastic and then wait the 2 hours. I'm assuming that one uses a fairly thin layer of mastic as well - is it necessary to use a notched trowel for this application? Also, is it necessary to cut the tar paper into smaller sections or can one just use a "wall to wall" length?
thanks again for all the fantastic advice!
--nm the wait 2 hrs uestion, just saw your note about "wet asphalt mastic"
--ok, another one - is it possible to float just one layer of plywood? I thought one always screwed two layers together for a floating subfloor?
--ok, one more edit. Since I've never put down a moisture barrier like this before I want to make certain that I fully understand the way it is supposed to turn out

- are the two layers of tar paper supposed to be..."squishy" or lay flat and firm, e.g., little or no tar squishing out the sides if weight is put on it. Also, would one lay ply as one goes or get the whole place covered with mastic and tar paper and then lay ply after that (strikes me as requiring a fair bit of walking on the mastic/tar paper moisture barrier).
--ok, still thinking - would it be better to float 2 layers of 3/8'' plywood (glued and screwed together) over a 6mil poly moisture barrier or go with the above method of masticing down 2 layers of tar paper and then shoot 3/4'' ply into the slab???
thanks again for all the great advice