My 80 year old wood floor is beautful. It's a mix of different lengths and widths of oak with dark wood (mahogany?) round pegs on the end kind of like this:

But with round pegs.
About 20 years ago, a vapor barrier placed under the house caused the boards to shrink significantly to the point where there was some cracking and the planks were domed enough to make it difficult to even walk on it. I thought the floor was toast, but after a while (I guess when the whole thing finally dried out) the floor settled down and is relatively flat now.
However, the gaps left after everything shrank were very large. To the point where our electric bill skyrocketed because the a/c would escape down through the floor!
Back then, everyone I brought in would immediately say, "You have to tear it up and replace it."
Now I'm from up north and I've seen wood floors in way worse shape than mine brought back so I'm thinking since we live in a good neighborhood, the assumption is that I can throw down 20 grand for a new floor without blinking.
I can't. But even if I could, I wouldn't. I value the look and frankly, the beauty of this old floor with planks longer than I've seen anywhere.
The gaps were closed with dark brown silicone by me. It looks OK and solved the problem.
How do find a wood floor professional that isn't out to just replace? Will it cost more to restore than to replace? The floor is solid with few creaks.