Gary it is unfortunate that you have a similar name to that buzzard, and your correct!!!
What I speak is not slander, libel, or defamation, because it is a well known fact, around this city, which I have witnessed first hand! He preys on the unknowing LL customers, at the local retail store they have here, that think he has been prescreened and don't ask for references.
If he calls you asking for help with a difficult job he is on, without help. You better make a specific, not general contract with the guy. His word is as good as a turd. As I'm finding out. Yes, he has a balance due with me!!!
He once asked me to lie in court, because he got sued for a failure because of his shortcuts. (he was sprig nailing numerous hollow spots in his bogus installation) I hurt his case more then anything.
I'll slam him every chance I get now, without making a false statement, so he can't yell slander!!
I'm just a little bent, since he sent me 2 insulting letters telling me why he didn't have to pay my fees.
Rant turned off, you can resume the thread.