Pete A. wrote:
You will be fine with your sub-floor. The reason for the 1x6 is to make sure that there won't be expansion/contraction issues after the floor has been down for a while which can cause cupping and looseness. Usually only two fasteners are required for each board. When the boards get wider it becomes more important for three fasteners to be used but is not required. The screws you used for extra security will help keep the floor tight to the floor joists. To get the most value from adding screws, pre-drilling through the pine using a bit that allows the screw to touch the joist before the screw starts to twist down keeps the screw from screw jacking where the screw is tight against the pine, but there is still a gap between the pine and the floor joist.
Thank you for your insight Pete. I have taken time to remove any boards that creaked or bent due to having a knot or a split. I also lightly planed and sanded out edges that were higher than the next board (floated out the sharp edge). I will go back and make sure I got them all. Thank you for the tip on pre-drilling - I didn't do that and had to run the screw multiple times on some boards to stop the jacking. Now I am off to decide on staples or cleats (seems both would work since I have solid subfloor although Oklahoma can have pretty high humidity) and the underlayment that would be best for a second floor application for noise reduction. More learning...