Thanks for the advice. Next drama....Again long post.
Hired a Polyvac and gave the surface a light scrub with a 220 grade screen and put a second coat on. Managed an application rate midway between the upper and lower bounds recommended by Bona, thought all was sweet. Thanks to the advice given here.
When I went up some 6+ hours later MOST of the floor was OK but in several smallish areas (Handprint size) there were areas where, for want of a better term, the boards were phobic to the coating resulting in the coating 'pulling away' from the board leaving a dimpled finish. I still had the Polyvac and some screens so I was up early this morning and gave the entire floor a good scrub back. I guess it scuffed up about 80% of the boards surface and flattened all the various marks etc. This afternoon I started to re coat. I aborted this after one room; and I know this means I need to re-hire the PolyVac and scrub most of it off
I aborted because again I was getting the Traffic pulling away from the board face. On a car it would be called 'fish eye' and would be from silicon contamination; on fresh timber boards I don't know. Real pity was the coat was looking really good except for these areas. In a 250 sq.ft room there were about 4 such areas. Before I waste more time and Traffic I was hoping someone might give me a clue.
Many thanks